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Live streams, discussions, co-operative and competitive games. What are you waiting for?
Live streams, discussions, co-operative and competitive games. What are you waiting for?
The Royal Era Team is working very hard and we give Updates to the server every month. We manage a magnificent, developing server.
That's where the purchases come in. In our server, some players have a need to get an edge. We have many Kits on our server that will let you rise above other players, while being still achievable for players to rise up to there without paying. Our purchases are for players that simply do not have the time to grind, They need power!
I stream my gameplay every Saturday and Sunday at 1pm PST. You can follow along and ask questions about why I do what I do. I also offer a service where I will play along with you, helping you gear up and become an all-around better player.
I can't remember when I didn't play Minecraft. I still revisit some of the classic games for speed runs and a nostalgia kick. On the rare days when I'm not playing Minecraft or attempting to be a Discord Mod, I like to get out to the rock climbing gym and try new pizza places with friends.
The first episode of the Skyblock Series.
The second episode of the skblock series.
A 4v4 Madness episode.
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Powered by The Royal Era Team