Just starting up your experience (won't take long)
Start up Minecraft (make sure it is Java) prepare yourselves for some top tier Gaming (not really though)...
Press Add Server and prepare to be sent to another page...
Enter in The Server Name Royal Era, (this is not beneficial but it make me happy)...
Creating your experience, hope you enjoy!
Enter in The Server Address RoyalEra.minehut.gg and click Done (two things might happen here)...
You will now be sent to either the server or the Minehut Lobby (if you are sent to the server skip this step) enter /join RoyalEra in the chat and wait 30 seconds for the server to start up, you will be sent to it, be patient...
You will be sent to the server and you need to make sure you enter /help in the chat bar. This will give you the basis indication on how to get started on this server
Enhance your Experience
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